Thursday, 18 August 2011

a bit of an update...

Its been a while (sorry!)... so just a general update. I was sick for like 3 weeks shortly after I got back from Italy and was in bed for 2 weeks. It sucked!
BUT I recovered and have been a bit non-stop since.

Over the summer Somerset House hold movie nights... they only really play the classics and as soon as I saw that Die Hard was playing I got on the tickets!
Rachel and I packed up a very tasty picnic and planted ourselves in the middle of the square. We then waited 3 hours until the movie started!! Just before the film there was a special appearance from Alan Rickman who plays Hans Gruber. VERY exciting! (especially after seeing him play Professor Snape for so long in Harry Potter!)

In other news... The kids are great! Growing up fast and both about to have a new brother and sister over the next month!
In more other new... I met some mates (Charlie, Ali and Ed) in Edinburgh on the weekend for the Fringe festival! Unfortunately my normal snap happy attitude was hiding and I didn't get too many photos...

but it was brilliant! Very busy, lots of shows and loads of fun!
That's about it for now...
I am moving house next month so will definitely have some pics of that!