Tuesday, 14 February 2012

A long weekend in Wellington

Sam and I spent the weekend in Somerset with all of the guys and girls (and their better halves) that he works with. We were put up in The Big House which really should be named the Massive House! It was a very relaxing weekend in the country...
We found a farm shop with loads of cheese and other goodies and, as usual, spent too much money! got to see a heap of brand new lambs..... SO cute!
Then on the Saturday night we had a dress up as something starting with 'S'
We had a very tasty meal together and then a good boogie afterwards. Lovely weekend!

'let it snow, let it snow, let it snoooooow'

The dump of snow we had last weekend wasn't as big as the previous years I've been here... but still, SO much fun!
Especially because it was Rach's first snow experience!!

Who knows, maybe we'll get a little more in the next couple of weeks. Its certainly cold enough!

Christmas in the sun...

Ahhhhh, to be home... the quick run down...I trooped back to Mo-town for a month in December to spend some time with the family and get some much needed sunshine.
Christmas was lovely...
amazing food.... Dad cooked traditional Maltese for Xmas lunch. Yum Yum!
and then we had tapas type bits at Mum's :)
Went to pay my Nunna a visit at her new home... she is very happy!
randomly went to a Gerbera farm with Mum and Eliza
spent New Years at Pyramid rock festival rock in Phillip Island. It was a 3 night camp out, loads of sunshine, loads of great people and amazing music
stood front row for the count down...
and then left the city behind to head back for snowy London...