The Dunkers went away to Wales for Thanksgiving, leaving me with an empty to house.... so I made the most of it and hosted my own Thanksgiving lunch! I skipped the turkey and stuck with Chicken, but made American stuffing, brussel sprouts, sweet potato mash, green bean salad and black forest cups with chocolate strawberries for dessert! AND of course lots of cheese!
Tim, Kate, Mel and Wes, Chris and Adam trooped out to Gerrards cross for the occasion...

Inevitably the night turned out to be a big one! Not even sure what's going on in some of these photos!!
double chins?!
many laughs...
maybe a bit of air guitar?!
thanksgiving cuddles!
clean up the day after... 15 bottles of wine and 2 bottles of vodka
(and a few Frangelico shots to top it off!) = one big hang over!!