we have crushed about half the estimated amount of fruit so far, (which
is bugger all) and I might have a couple more weeks of work, if I'm
Here are a few snaps of vintage so far...
Open ferments
Filling tankers
Lindsey racking a tank
Running the Fuge!
The Centrifuge
3 months on night shift
Work aside, I moved house, and now instead of vines on my door step, I have this....
On a more serious note
It has been approximately 6 years since I 'flew the coop', jumping on a plane with high expectations, bound for bigger things.
Things seem to have come full circle and after a crazy couple of years I'm at a point again wondering 'What do I do next?'
The general consensus from people when I tell them this is that I'm in a position they envy.
"You're young, you could go anywhere, do anything"
If only it were that simple!
made a pretty firm decision that I love it here in South Australia. The
city doesn't really feel like a city (I guess I'm a country girl at
heart), the hills are beautiful and the beach is on my door step.
Work is a dilemma at the moment though. What to do what to do...
I've decided that after my trip to Peru in July I will stop moving around, try and get a 9 to 5 job and get a little stability. Sounds boring doesn't it?!
I can say for sure, working 7 pm til 7am, 6 nights a week is starting to weigh heavily on me.
Boring stability will be just what the doctor ordered!