Sunday, 7 December 2008

My new wellies that Kerrie gave me :-)
Today I went out with Sadie and her sister Jaz... this is the Walkabout pub that is popular for aussies and kiwis here in london... we didn't go in today but have been in the past

We went to a Fun Fair instead :-)

We went on the dodge cars.. which was lots of fun!

and finished the afternoon off with a punch cocktail at a pub!


mum said...

ahh!! that looks like so much fun!!! and the weather was great by the looks! LOVE the wellies (gumboots) Great to see you out n about again! hope that means you are feeling better!

mel said...

lol 'fun fair'. tourist =p nice boots. mark says....and i quote 'omg they're ugly ! ' =D

The Dunkers said...

Mel...mark must have no taste :) --kerrie