Friday, 25 January 2013

road trip!

 Dear kids, don't try this at home. 

After a massive night of drinks at Bryce's house (which involved many cloudy apple ciders and  tequila shots.... not a good mix!) I borrowed Mum's car and drove to Canberra. 
On 5 hours sleep, what should've been a 7 hour drive took me about 9 in the end. So thankful I had Mum's car with an air con that worked and tunes all the way.
 turns out I start to go a bit crazy on no sleep, many coffee's and mostly empty roads.... think I spoke to myself for about an hour! 
'Oh look Ron, there's another car!!'
 got stuck behind many utes with motorbikes...
 ...many utes with dogs...

 613 km's later.... I did it all again the next day! Crazy!

Monday, 21 January 2013

What is this strange thing they call 'Sun'?!

I can't believe that I've already been back on Aussie soil for a week! 

I arrived last Wednesday and got a little surprise at the airport (thanks Mel!) 
Clare was there with a sign and a balloon to pick me up which was so nice :) 
I then did the surprising, rocking up on Dads doorstep for his birthday! 
He was pretty much speechless and had to check he wasn't having a heart attack!! After lunch and dinner with Dad, Julie and Eliza, I made my way to Warragul to surprise Mum.
I don't think I've ever heard her scream so loud! She was definitely surprised!! 

Ive spent my time since recovering from my jetlag (which hasn't been too bad actually), hanging out with family and getting in some nice relaxy time.

Dad, Julie and I went to Frankston to check out some sand castles...
they took sand castle to a whole different level!
 Dad and I :)
they were so detailed...
 we liked the turtle best...

 On sunday we celebrated a late Christmas with Mum's side of the family... (seemed easier to do it in January when more of the family are available to come from near and far) 
We each had to make something we enjoyed cooking, so I helped Eliza make smiley meringues with blueberries and mango...
 and I made an orange cake...
 Beautiful Eliza...
 the day was very relaxed, we each bought a present for someone else and had to spin a wheel to choose which present we would receive
 It was great to see everyone after so long
 Yesterday I took Eliza and her friend Dylan to the beach for some much needed sunshine. 
It's so good to be back in my little car Henry :)
 I see the sea!!!
 The sun was out and it was a beautiful day!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Looking back...

Today I am off back to Australia.
Reflecting on my four and a half years in London fills me with mixed feelings. Mostly happy ones! 

 I have felt that I am leaving London because there is not much here for me any more. However after the weekend, my Mum would say, 'my heart is in a happy place'.
I have realised I have some of the most loving, caring group of friends here in London... and know that they will always be here if I do ever decide to come back. 

I spent the weekend keeping warm in my favorite watering holes and giving about a million hugs before I left. I have been given some lovely cards, books, photos and a very cosy blanket for the plane :) 
Feeling very lucky to have met such amazing people. 
SO.... looking back... all I really have to do is to go back to the start of my blog and remember arriving off the plane to two beautiful little girls holding a big sign saying WELCOME VERONICA, a tiny baby boy and a slightly nervous couple, and thinking "Oh my god. what am I doing?!?'
I owe Kerrie and Matt SO much. Without them I would surely be homeless and hungry (among other things!).
But even before I landed in London, I was given the push to get on the plane. My folks have always been so supportive of what ever I do... even when it means not having me around for a few years! Would never of had the confidence to make such a big move without them being fully behind me.

ANYWAY, enough of that sentimental jibba jabba!
The pack up was epic.....
I lived in chaos for about a week and a half... until Mel came to sort me out!
Bless her and her funny hair! 

 it got a lot worse before it got better....
 but we finally got my bag packed (thank you Dunker clan for the bag!)
Too bad about the rest of the room!
 it eventually got a lot better...
Until finally, I was all done, and had to say good bye :(

 BUT for months I have been wishing.... hoping.... that it would snow before I set off for the sunny valley, and on my last morning in the UK
(well, not BOOM but it was very exciting!)
 Happy days!!
sunshine here I come!