Friday, 25 January 2013

road trip!

 Dear kids, don't try this at home. 

After a massive night of drinks at Bryce's house (which involved many cloudy apple ciders and  tequila shots.... not a good mix!) I borrowed Mum's car and drove to Canberra. 
On 5 hours sleep, what should've been a 7 hour drive took me about 9 in the end. So thankful I had Mum's car with an air con that worked and tunes all the way.
 turns out I start to go a bit crazy on no sleep, many coffee's and mostly empty roads.... think I spoke to myself for about an hour! 
'Oh look Ron, there's another car!!'
 got stuck behind many utes with motorbikes...
 ...many utes with dogs...

 613 km's later.... I did it all again the next day! Crazy!

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